AMOS (23/96)

From:Andrew Crowe
Date:5 May 99 at 17:49:30
Subject:[amos-list] CGX/P96 Screens and Amos.

From: Andrew Crowe <>

Hi Everybody,

Does anybody know ANY way of taking an Amos screen and copying it to a
CGX/P96 screen?

It'd have to do some kind of panalar2chunky (ha ;) coversion or
something. So, any ideas? Does something like RTGMaster libs cover this?

How about the GUI extention v2? Can that do it?

Talking about GUIv2, where the heck is it? it /should /have been released
ages ago, how long can it take to write a doc? (or are there some last
minute bugs holding it up?)

If you like I can beta test it for you, /I/ don't care if the docs are

See ya.

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